Anything Can Happen is an interactive installation: a sculpture, a drawing and a painting. It is a place for contemplation and action; for looking at art and making art. It provides a space for creative possibility, inviting visitors to engage with the power of transformation that lives within each of us.

Anything Can Happen is free and open to the public, offering a series of events including drawing and painting exercises, creative collaborations and guided visual meditations. More information about these workshops is available at

Every moment of living and being is a moment of profound change. Politically and socially, the changes that are taking place around us can feel frightening and beyond our control. Working creatively gives us the means to think new thoughts, to do new things, to visualize our dreams and to make them a reality. We can find ways to work collaboratively towards the changes we need to see.

I have created this project to share my experience as an artist and a teacher: creative practice has the potential to change the world.

Anything Can Happen is planned for Fall 2024. For more information please join our mailing list or contact us here.